Remove blue qiraji battle tank and make others ridable outside raid
Remove blue qiraji battle tank and make others ridable outside raid

remove blue qiraji battle tank and make others ridable outside raid

To be a good soloer, you need to be able to take the hits the dungeon’s biggest mobs can dish out while also doing enough damage to take them down.

remove blue qiraji battle tank and make others ridable outside raid

Whatever your current game goals are, there are reasons to go back and hit old content… and since most group content before Mists of Pandaria raids is easily soloable, why not give soloing a try?

  • Because it’s just fun to kick raid bosses in the face after they give their dramatic speeches about why you’ll never defeat them.
  • remove blue qiraji battle tank and make others ridable outside raid

  • To earn gold by looting and selling everything you come across.
  • To earn achievements, of which there are many.
  • To earn reputation, which a number of raids and dungeons provide.
  • To collect music rolls for your garrison’s jukebox, some of which drop from raid bosses.
  • To collect mounts, which you would have had to be extremely lucky to get in an actual raid group.
  • To collect pets, like those needed for Raiding with Leashes achievements.
  • To collect transmog gear, especially tier sets.
  • With all of the content Warlords of Draenor has to offer, you might wonder why you’d go back to revisit old content in earlier dungeons or raids.

    Remove blue qiraji battle tank and make others ridable outside raid